When we spend time in prayer, we learn to discern God’s voice from our own and other influences in our own prayer life.
Restoration Ministries of SD leads others to grow in confidence in hearing God’s voice and realize that God desires a personal relationship with them. In showing and demonstrating various ways the Lord speaks, one finds that conversation with God is a daily occurrence. When you place everyday concerns before God and receive a response from Him it brings the Christian life to a new level of freedom. Once we learn to hear God’s voice for ourselves, we learn how to enter into the Father’s compassion for others. We are then able to hear and deliver the Father’s words of encouragement to them. This gift of prophecy (hearing the voice of God for others), as given by the Holy Spirit, is ALWAYS to build up the body of Christ in the Church…never to convict a person in sin or behavior. (The Holy Spirit convicts the heart. We do not take that job or use words that lack encouragement.) Proper and prudent boundaries as well as discernment are also taught so that we are operating in a safe manner.
It is always expected that when a person is the receiver of an encouraging word from another person, they are responsible to discern the word and decide for themselves if the word will build good fruit, and they want to receive the word, or if they freely want to reject the word. Therefore, there is not any fear in sharing with others as a disciple. There is great freedom in learning how to deliver prophetic words within the guidelines of well-balanced prophetic ministry.
“Pursue love and strive for the spiritual gifts, and especially that you may prophesy… those who prophesy build up the church."
1 Corinthians 4:1, 5
3 Testimonies in growing to hear God’s voice from Tammy
What an amazing experience! Aberdeen, SD 2022
“I was blessed in every way. I so wish I would have had some background training like this with Confirmation (or before) listening to the voice of God in prayer. The speakers brought ideas, insights and connections with familiar bible stories and parables to life. The activations enabled me to practice the well organized steps to praying, sharing, changing areas of my past and world-view. Wow! What an amazing experience I had…It completely changes how I (perceive) doing Jesus’ work on Earth and being his disciple. It was an encounter of freedom for me in listening to the Lord’s voice, his love for me and his plans for my calling to do His will in the world. Thank you, thank you for providing this!”